Corporate Health & Safety

The health and safety of our employees is of primary concern. Our company is committed to ensuring practical and effective procedures are in place to achieve the highest standard in occupational health and safety. Standard Scaffold & Insulation management provide active leadership and extend their complete support in the development and maintenance of these procedures.

We believe all accidents can be prevented. Every reasonable effort is made to eliminate hazards that can cause injury to workers or damage property. We investigate every incident promptly and thoroughly to find out what caused it and to correct the problem so it will not happen again. Inspections are completed to find and eliminate unsafe working conditions and practices, to control health hazards, and to comply fully with the safety and health standards of every job. We provide all personnel with the necessary personal protective equipment and instruction for its proper use and care. It is the policy of this company to maintain all tools, equipment, and vehicles in a condition that maximizes the safety of all personnel.

Standard Scaffold works closely with our customers to establish high standards of performance. We provide a workforce with the necessary skill and knowledge to ensure the preservation of the environment and the protection of all. All Standard Scaffold employees and subcontractors maintain safe working environments by recognizing and correcting unsafe acts or conditions, and exerting every reasonable effort to eliminate personal injury or property damage in both the workplace and the communities in which we live.

Safety is the responsibility of each and every one of us. Safety is a condition of employment and an extremely important part of our performance. All employees and subcontractors work with a “Safety First” attitude both on and off the jobsite. Working together, employees and management create an environment where health and safety are a part of a dynamic and productive workplace.


Safety Certifications

Alberta Construction Safety Association

An Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) member is a company whose Alberta Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) industry code falls under Construction/ Construction Trade Services. The employer pays a levy to the ACSA through their WCB account fees to receive automatic Member status with the ACSA.

Certificate of Recognition

A Certificate of Recognition (COR) shows that the employer’s health and safety management system has been evaluated by a certified auditor and meets provincial standards. These standards are established by Occupational Health & Safety (OHS).


Standard Scaffold and Insulation Inc. is ISNet certified, meaning we meet both client and regulatory standards of safety in all operations. Our ISNetWorld certification verifies high standards of safety, workforce training, recordkeeping and other regulatory requirements.


Through world-class prequalification provider, Avetta (formerly PICS Auditing), Standard Scaffold and Insulation Inc. is certified to work in a safe manner.


ComplyWorks began out of a need to manage governmental and industry regulatory compliance between employers and their contractor/suppliers. Beyond pre-qualification, ComplyWorks’ solution helps manage reputation, financial, cultural, environment and operation compliance programs.

The Contractor Qualification Network

The Contractor Qualification Network (CQN) provides software solutions for purchasing organizations from first contact, to prequalification, through advanced evaluation and bidder selection, procurement management, active phase compliance measurement and post-contract performance review. It truly is complete, front-to-back, contractor management.

The National Construction Safety Officer Program

Standard Scaffold & Insulation Inc. has multiple NCSO’s.
The objective of the National Construction Safety Officer Program (NCSO) is to combine formal training with the individual's personal field experience. The NCSO designation meets the national standard requirements and verifies that a person has met the training, practical application, years of experience and written performance measurements set out by the Canadian Federation of Construction Safety Associations (CFCSA). NCSO designated persons are a valuable resource in the administration and implementation of a company's health and safety program.

Scaffold & Access Industry Association

The Scaffold & Access Industry Association (SAIA) is the voice of the scaffold and access industry.  As an SAIA member company, Standard Scaffold represents a global leader in the scaffold and access industry. SAIA helps companies stay inspired for success.  Learning about new trends, new product ideas and equipment safety knowledge can always improve a company’s knowledge of the industry.